Some Good News

We learn something every day, and lots of times it's that what we learned the day before was wrong.
-Bill Vaughan
I for one was wrong. If you refer to my previous post, you'll remember that I discussed some information about a friend of mine and a mother in the homeschooling group I used to belong to. The information I was basing my discussion on was wrong. It had been passed through multiple people until it got to me and the version I heard was different from the original version. It reminds me of what happens when one plays the game of telephone.

The mother didn't say that my friend is no longer welcome in her house. In fact, what she was attempting to portray was the exact opposite. I received an email from the mother and in it she said "I would welcome (friends name) with open arms. In fact, I would love to have time to sit with him, over a cup of tea, and catch up." In light of this new information, I would like to issue a formal apology to the people that my words affected. While I know the majority of my readers haven't an inkling of an idea of who I'm talking about, there are a select few who my words hurt. I am sorry. From now on, I will do a better job of verifying facts before I write.

Finally, while some of the information I based my blog on is untrue, the overall principle of the blog is still valid. While the example I used did not actually happen, there are still people out there who do not welcome gay people into their houses. That is not right.






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